is the intention of the Sacred House of God to perform worship and it is one of the five pillars of Islam and it is a duty for every Muslim and Muslim woman who can once in a lifetime
The story of building the Kaaba
God Almighty, our master Ibrahim, peace be upon him, ordered that the honorable Kaaba be built in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and assisted by his son Ismail, to be the first house to be placed for Muslims. Ibrahim responded to his Lord’s command and built the Kaaba without delay or laziness. Ibrahim said to his son: Oh son, God has commanded me Here I build a house, and Ismail replied by hearing and obedience.
Both the father and his son dug the foundation of the Kaaba with the picks, and they cooperated with each other in raising their bases, where Ismail was bringing stones, and Ibrahim was building and when Abraham was weak from raising the stones to the top he said to his son Ismail: Oh son, bring me a stone that I put under my feet to be able to complete What I started with.
Ismail went in search of a stone for his father until he found a stone, presented it to his father, and Ibrahim rose on him and began building the house and his son Ismail handed him until the two completed the building of this forbidden house, which God Almighty made fit for people and our security,
The story of Hajar and her son Ismail
God Almighty – Ibrahim Al-Khalil ordered a wisdom that Almighty teaches that Ishmael and his mother emigrated to a place far from his first wife Sarah, whose anxiety and illusion increased due to Hajar after he had a son, so Abraham obeyed the orders of his Lord and went out with his wife and son, and whenever he reached a place where there were trees and trees He said: Here, Lord? Gabriel says: Go, Ibrahim. He and his companions kept walking until they reached Makkah in a valley without cultivation, as the Almighty said, and when Abraham wanted to leave them in that barren place, where there is no water or pasture, and they only have a bag of dates and a bottle of water, Hajar fears a lot for herself and her son From perdition, she began to hold on to Abraham to prevent him from going and say to him: Oh Abraham, where are you going and leave us in this place where there is no forgotten nor planting or water, do not you fear that we perish here by starvation and thirst ?, He dispersed his heart on them but this is the command of his Lord and has no trick In this matter, but Hajar insisted on him a lot in the question, and he said to her: It is God who ordered me to leave you in this place, and God Almighty will not waste you. Mrs. Hajar fell silent and said after that: So do not waste us. Then Abraham raised his hands invitingly praying to God – Glory be to Him – as mentioned in the Book of God Almighty on the tongue of Abraham – peace be upon him: Of the fruits they may be grateful “, then he returned to the Levant and has no ploy in his hand except supplication and supplication. After the dates and water ran out of them and the hunger and thirst began to flow through the veins and increased, and Ismail began to writh and wallow in the dust of pain, I rushed to the mountain where the safa; She should see someone to help her, but she did not see anyone, then she returned to another hill which is Marwah, and so she moved from this hill to that of seven times and when she gave up, she returned to her child and found the water springing from under his feet, where God Almighty sent the angels to find a spring at Ismail, It is the water of Zamzam, whose blessings included all people from that day to the present day.
It is one of the rituals of Hajj and Umrah, and the worship of Muslims by walking around the Holy Kaaba seven strides in succession in compliance with the orders of God Almighty and glorification of his rituals
Taif begins its circumambulation along the Black Stone, coming to it, receiving it or referring to it, wherever it is possible, making the house on its left, saying: (In the name of God, God is great)
If he takes a tawaaf, it is mustahabb for him to sand in the first three stages, (so he rushes to walk. He approaches steps), approaching the Kaaba. He walks normally on the remaining four runs. If he could not sand, or could not be close to home because of the many sects, and people crowded with him, he would perform the tour according to the availability. And it is desirable to receive the Yemeni pillar. The Black Stone is accepted or received in each of the seven stages.
And it is desirable for him to multiply from dhikr and supplication, and to choose from them what his chest explains to him. Let the gentlemen call for himself, and for his brothers what he wants, from the charitable world and the hereafter
Umrah is a visit to the Sacred House of God to perform worship for God Almighty, and is based on the forbidden, and circumambulation in the house, and the pursuit between Safa and Marwa and decadence
Umrah time
It does not have a specific time, but it is preferred in Ramadan
The virtue of Umrah
- Umrah is the expiation for what is between them
- Continuation and follow-up between Hajj and Umrah, eliminating poverty, sins and sin
- Umrah in the month of Ramadan equals and corresponds to an argument with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him
Pillars of Umrah
Umrah duties
Ihram from the meeqaat
Throat or shortening
Umrah Recommendations
- cutting nails
- Washing, perfuming, and perfuming the body
- Talbiyah and raise the voice of the man
- Saying to you, O God, to you
- Kiss the black stone
- Accelerate walking in the first three steps
- A lot of dhikr and supplication
- Doing two rakat prayers
- Climb onto the classroom
How to Umrah
Ihram from the meeqaat
The circumambulation of the Holy Kaaba is seven runs
The quest between Safa and Marwa seven runs
Throat or shortening
Ihram is the first step that the pilgrim takes to leave the goods of the world. The ihram includes the pure intention and begins since he wears the pilgrim’s garment, and the pilgrim refrains from clipping nails, hair, or uncovering the awrah, fragrance, or hunting after his ihram, and any violation of the rules Ihram intentionally causes the invalidity of Ihram and Hajj
The pilgrim speaks out loudly to the terms of meeting the Hajj, which are: “Oh God, I pray for you, for you, there is no partner for you, for praise and grace are for you and the king, there is no partner for you”, and the pilgrim continues to perform the tawaaf around the Kaaba throughout the days of Hajj until the day of slaughter
Arrival circumambulation
When entering the pilgrim for the first time after entering ihram for the Sacred Mosque, he performs a salutation, which is the circumambulation of arrival. The pilgrim performs the circumambulation seven times around the Kaaba immediately upon his arrival, and he is forced to meet the pilgrimage.
Heading to and staying in Mina (the day of al-Tarwiyah, the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah)
All pilgrims head to the Mina area on the morning of the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, where the pilgrims stay there and pray their prayers there, and all the pilgrims stay in Mina until the next morning.
Standing in Arafa (on the day of Arafat on the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah)
Pilgrims leave the Mina region after sunrise and head to Jabal Arafa and pray the noon and afternoon prayers by palace and gathering at the Namra Mosque in Jabal Arafa, and the pilgrims remain in Jabal Arafa to pray and draw close to God until sunset.
Overnight in Muzdalifah
After descending from Jabal Arafa, the pilgrims move to Muzdalifah, praying Maghrib and ‘Isha’ prayers in congregation and palaces.
Throwing the major anthrax (on the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah)
And corresponding to the first day of Eid al-Adha, the pilgrims throw the major anthrax in Mina and then slaughter the gift and then break down from the ovulation by cutting hair for women and shaving for men.
Tawaaf al-Ifaadah
Where pilgrims roam around the Holy Kaaba seven times after they disintegrated from Ihram.
Overnight in Mina and throw the three Jamarat
The pilgrims return to Mina to stay overnight and throw the three Jamarat on the morning of the second day of Eid al-Adha and the morning of the third day.
Farewell tawaaf
The pilgrims return to the Grand Mosque to circumambulate the farewell tawaaf around the Kaaba, and then return to their country.
The meeqaat
The Hajj pilgrimage is one of the main pillars of Islam, the Almighty singled it out with a specific time and place, so he made its time the most famous of the pilgrimage.
And it made Makkah the Holy Place its no-man’s land, and set up spatial times to deprive the pilgrims of pilgrims or pilgrims.
So he made for the people of Madinah the meeqat of Dhul-Halifa, and it is now known as Abyar Ali.
There are several times according to the destination of the one coming to Mecca
Places of Hajj
- Makkah Al-Mukarramah: It contains the Great Mosque of Mecca, where the Holy Kaaba, Al-Safa, Al-Marwa and the Well of Zamzam are located
- Arafat: The greatest pillar of the Hajj is the standing of Arafat, which is the ninth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah.
- Muzdalifah: It is located between Mishary Mina and Arafat, and pilgrims stay overnight and collect gravel
- Mona: And where the stoning is
The story of Jamarat
Satan, the curse of God, came to the Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, to prevent him from slaughtering our master Ismail, peace be upon him, and he threw him with seven stones in three places, in which the pilgrims threw stones at the rivers, as was the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him
The three carbuncles
The first anthra: it is called the minor, and it is the first anthrax after the Al-Khif mosque in Mina
The second anthra: It is called Al-Wasta, after the first anthrax, and before the anthrax
Al-Aqabah Bridge: It is also called (the Greater Jamra) and it is located at the end of Mina towards Mecca.
Ihram prohibitions
Department forbids male and female
- Remove hair from the head and body
- cutting nails
- Good use (avoid perfumed soaps)
- Wear gloves
- Kill hunting
- Holding the marriage contract for himself or others
Department forbidden to males without females
- Wearing a thread
- Covering the head with stickers like the turban and the like (shading it with the sun is okay)
A section is forbidden for women without males
- Covering the face with a veil or burqa and the Sunnah is to reveal her face, but if she was in the presence of foreign men, she must cover her face with veil and the like.
Throat and default
It is a hermit from Hajj and Umrah
It is permissible for a man in Hajj or Umrah to shave or shorten, the throat is better, and women are required to default only
The throat is: removing hair with the like and the like, so that nothing remains of it
The default is: cutting the hair without shaving it