Prayer is valid only with purity, and that is by ablution and prayer is the link between the servant and his Lord and it is the second of the five pillars of Islam after the two testimonies and prayer has been imposed on believers from above seven heavens and is the difference between the believer and the infidel
Conditions of Obligatory Prayer
- Islam
- Puberty
- The mind
Prayer Is Not Valid Without The Following Conditions
- Enter the time
- Purity is one of the major and minor events (ablution)
- Purity from impurity in the body, garment and place
- Covering the nakedness
- Qibla reception
- Intention
How To Pray
If the time for prayer is present, then the Muslim must perform ablution. Then he receives the kiss, raises his hands, and says: God is great.
He places his right hand over his left hand, below his chest, and then reads the prayer of opening in secret, which is: Glory be to God, with Your praise, and Your Name and Exalted be Your Grandfather, and there is no god but you.
Then he recites al-Faatihah and any surah he wishes after in the first two rak’ahs, and in the last two rak’ahs he is limited to reciting al-Faatihah only.
Then he kneels down, saying: God is great, and he says during his kneeling Glory be to my great Lord, and the fewest he can say is once, and the increase in that is better,
Then he raises his knees, saying: God has heard those who praise Him, may our Lord and You be praise, and straighten his back.
Then he prostrates, saying: God is great, and he says in his prostration: Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.
Then he raises his prostration, saying: God is great, and he says when he sits: “My Lord, forgive me. To repeat this in every corner of the prayer,
In the second rak’ah of the quadripartite or triple prayer, the middle tashahhud is added, which is:
“Greetings to God, prayers and good things. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and God’s mercy and blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the righteous servants of God. I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger”
He says in the last tashahhud as he says in the first tashahhud, but he increases the Abrahamic prayer over him, which is: “O God, bless Muhammad and the Muhammad family, as I prayed on the family of Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim that you are Hamid Majeed, and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you blessed Ibrahim and Ali The family of Ibrahim, in the two worlds, you are Hamid Majeed. “
In the end, it is greeted on the right and on the left
The Pillars Of Prayer That Must Be Performed In Prayer
- Intention
- Performing the assumption for the one who is capable of it
- The opening takbeer
- Reciting al-Fatiha in every rak’ah
- Kneeling and reassurance in it
- Raising from the kneeling and reassurance in it
- Prostration and reassurance in it
- Sitting between the two prostrations and reassurance in it
- Sit for the last tashahhud
- The last tashahhud
- The first delivery
- Arrangement of staff
The Duties Of Prayer
- Transition takbeer are in order
- To listen, and it is a saying: God listened to those who praised Him when he was raised from bowing
- Praise, which is the saying: Praise be to God and you after the kneeling is raised
- Give praise in bowing, and he said: Glory be to my Lord
- Praise be in prostration, which is the saying: Glory be to my Lord
- Saying: My Lord, forgive me, by sitting between the two prostrations
- The first witness and sitting for it
Prostration of Forgetfulness
If Oggil slanders, increases, decreases, or suspects the worshiper during prayer, he will prostrate at the end of his prayer, and before he submits two prostrations forcing him to do so
Invalidates Prayer
- Deliberately eating and drinking
- Speak deliberately
- Much motion
Leaving a condition or deliberately leaving without excuse, such as performing the prayer without covering its nakedness or leaving a prostration from a rak’ah - Laughing in prayer in a loud voice or so-called chuckling
- If something that invalidates purity is broken, as if his ablution was invalidated
Volunteer Prayer
It is a legal prayer that is not obligatory, and the Muslim is close to his Lord
- Sunan salaries
It is the Sunnah of the obligatory prayers, and it is a proven Sunnah, and the total Sunnah of salaries is ten rak’ahs or twelve rak’ahs, and it is
Two knees before dawn
Two rakats before noon or four, and two after kneeling
Two rakats after Morocco
Two knees after dinner - Duha prayer
It is a prayer that is prescribed at the time of the sacrifice, when the sun rises and its height is in the shaft. This rise is approximately one-third of an hour to approximately one-quarter or one-hour before the sun’s demise.
And you pray two rak’ahs, or four, or six, or eight rak’ahs, and it is correct to pray each two rak’ahs by handing over
- Night prayer
It is from midnight until dawn breaks, and the sooner its time for dawn, it is better for a Muslim, and the number of rak’ahs for the night prayer is eleven, with eight rak’ahs praying the night, and then the two rak’ah prayers are prayed, then the rak’ah rakah
- Witr prayer
And her time starts from after dinner until dawn and her best magic time
The least string is one rak’ah, and the most is eleven or thirteen, and it is performed by two rak’ahs by two rak’ahs.
The lowest perfection is three pillars. It is desirable to read in the first after Al-Fatihah: Surat Al-Ala’a, in the second: Surah al-Kafirun, and in the third: Surah al-Ikhlas - congregational prayers
This is the prayer that a Muslim performs with a congregation of at least two
Ruling on congregational prayer: A confirmed Sunnah in the obligatory prayers and obligatory during Friday prayers
The wisdom of congregational prayer: Muslim meeting, acquaintance, harmony of their hearts and cooperation among them
The virtue of congregational prayer: The congregational prayer is better in reward than single prayer twenty-seven degrees, and the merit of congregation is understood by realizing a rak’ah with the imam
Friday Prayer
- God Almighty made Friday a holiday for Muslims, so it was the best day of the week, and he singled it out for the imposition of Friday prayers that are performed in congregation instead of the noon prayer on Friday, which are two rak’ahs with Fatiha and Surah in public, preceded by two sermons.
- Friday prayers imposes an eye on everyone who meets its conditions
- The wisdom of the Friday prayer legislation: Muslims gather every week to learn some matters of religion, recall some of the important things in our lives and show unity and cohesion among Muslims
Friday Prayer Conditions
- Puberty
- The mind
- Islam
- Masculinity
- Residence (not traveling)
Friday Etiquette
- Recitation of the Qur’an, especially Surah Al-Kahf, and supplication and prayers upon the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him
- Washing, improving the body, putting on clean clothes, moisture and trimming nails
- Miswak
- Exit early with calm
What to Avoid on Friday
- Talk
- Skip the necks of people in the mosque
Prayers preceded by
- Preceded: It is preceded by the imam with all or some of the rak’ahs
- It is desirable for the unprecedented to come to prayer with calm, serenity and dignity
- Precaution for the unprecedented if he enters the prayer while the imam is bowing to come with two takbeers; One of them is the takbeer of ihram, and the second is the takbeer of bowing, as it is necessary for him to come up with the takbeer of ihram that is standing, not curved, otherwise his prayer is not valid.
- It is permissible for the unprecedented to pray behind the rows alone if he does not find a place for him in the classes.
- After the Imam delivers the two deliveries, the unprecedented person completes the rak’ahs
- The person who is preceded is not aware of the Friday prayer if he misses the second rak’ah. Accordingly, then he enters with the imam and his prayer is performed after his delivery at noon and not Friday
Eid Prayer
- Eid prayer is two rak’ahs. In the first rak’ah, the imam grows seven takbeers other than the large ihram, and after the takbeers he reads surah al-Fatihah then surah s or surah al-ala, and in the second rak’ah the imam enlarges five takbeers, then he recites al-Fatihah, then surah al-Qamar or al-Ghashiyyah, and after completion From prayer, the imam preaches to people a sermon he preaches in them and reminds them of God Almighty,
- Its rule is sufficient
- The Eid prayer has no prayer and no prayer in it, nor is it preceded by a prayer before or after it, and it is mustahabb in the Eid prayer that the worshiper raise his hands when zooming in, and that the imam separate each enlargement with a stroke until the imam do Takbeer,
- It is also desirable that the worshiper mention his Lord between each takbeer and another
- Eid prayer place: It is Sunnah to perform Eid prayer in the prayer-place
- The time for Eid prayer: The time for Eid prayer begins after the sun rises and rises in the amount of a spear in the sky, and continues until the beginning of the sun,