The Birth Of The Messenger

The birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace
PBUH was born on the morning of the twelfth Monday of Rabi` al-Awwal, the year of the Elephant, in the Bani Hashim clan, and his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib named Muhammad, and he is derived from praise and exaggeration in it

His Childhood

His father, may God bless him and grant him peace, died before his birth, and his grandfather Abdul Muttalib sponsored him, took care of him most carefully and was merciful to him, so he was breastfed by the father of Abu Lahab, then he pushed him to Halima Al-Saadiya, and he spent his first years under her care, and peace be upon him was upon him and her family, then He returned to his mother in Mecca and was raised in her arms until she died when he was six years old, so his grandfather Abdul Muttalib sponsored him, and he was kind to him and loved him, then his grandfather, who was eight years old, died, so his uncle Abu Talib sponsored him, presented him to his children, looked after him, and protected him

Working On Herding Sheep, Then Trade

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his predecessors, worked in grazing sheep, and that was at an early age from the age of eight until fifteen years of age, and then he started working like most of the people of Mecca with trade,
It was the first trip in which the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out in the trade to the Levant, when he was nine years old. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: Yes, the partner does not administer or deny
The Messenger – may God bless him and grant him peace – was known for his sincerity and honesty, until Quraish described him as honest and sincere, and in Mecca there was a widow named Khadija Bint Khuwaylid, who married two masters of Quraish, then died for her, so she was the most beautiful and money woman, and to manage her big business she was hiring men through Speculation, that is, to make them a percentage of the profit they agree on, the most important thing was to search for a trustworthy man who preserves her money, so I heard about the honest and faithful, so she sent him, then offered him to go out with her trade to Yemen, so the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, agreed to her offer, And he went out three times with her trade to Yemen, and he had a facilitator – a boy with Khadija – on every commercial trip.
He loved the facilitator of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from his positions when he knew of his good manners, and he was talking to his lady Khadija about that, and she found in her wealth the blessing that she did not find before
After the Apostle – may God bless him and grant him peace – returned from the Levant – he did not stop trading, as he traded in the nearby Mecca markets, such as: Okaz Market, where the trade was only intended for the sake of his day’s food.
The lesson of the Messenger’s work in commerce The work of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in trade was an important start in refining his personality and his flexibility
The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, obtained from this trade great benefits that were not limited to the reward, as he passed through Medina which he immigrated to, and was the center of his vocation, and the countries in which he opened and later published his religion, and also was the reason for his marriage, may God bless him and grant him peace, from Mrs. Khadija. -God please her
She was offered a marriage, and she was at the age of forty and peace and blessings of God be upon him at the age of twenty-five, and she gave birth to him, may God be pleased with her, six children: Al-Qasim, Abdullah, Zaynab, Rakia, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah

His Prophethood And Revelation In The Cave Of Hira

When he reached the age of forty years, and the first thing that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – started from a revelation is a good vision in sleep, so he did not see a vision except that it came like a morning prayer and then liked the void to him so he would come a cave of Hira and worship in it – several days with her nights And he is provided for that, then he returns to Khadija and provides him with her likeness, until King Gabriel surprised him while he was in the cave of Hira. So I said: I am not a reader and he took me and covered me the second until he reached the effort from me and then sent me and said: Read and I said: I am not a reader and he took me and he covered me the third until he reached the effort and then sent me and said: (Read in the name of your Lord who created until he reached what he did not know) then he returned with his signs Until he entered Khadija, he said: “Zemlouni, Zemlouni, and they fell for him until the horror went away, so he told Khadija the news, and he said: I feared for me, and he said to him: No, preach the gospel, God will never disgrace you: you reach the womb, believe the hadith and bear the whole, and read the guest, and help the crises of truth Then Khadija set out for him until Warqa bin Nawfal brought him, and he is Khadija’s cousin and he was a Christian who championed the pre-Islamic era, and an old sheikh had My uncle, Khadija said to him: Which cousin I hear from your nephew, so he said a paper: My nephew, what do you see? So the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – told him what he had seen, and Waraqa bin Nawfal said: This law that was revealed to Moses, if only I had a trunk in it when my people brought you out. Then the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said: Or are my directors? Waraqa said: Yes, a man never came with what you came with except my return, and if your day realizes that I am a victorious victory, then a note is passed away, and the revelation is cooled